Convert your
to computerized

We are here to transform your businesses from
manual to computerized. We also help you to
bring your businesses to online.

Get Started

About Us

Who We Are

We Softcomm Technology is the Web and Business Applications Software Development House that was established in 2001 under the KMD Group of Companies. We have been building many types of applications for our clients. They trusted and chose us to build and maintain their applications because of the following reasons:


Who We Offer

We offer individual, people & companies the following services
with higher quality

Websites & Web Application Development

Web development can include web design, web content development, client liaison, client-side/server-side scripting, web server and network security configuration and e-commerce development. Web development can range from developing the simplest static single page of plain text to the most complex web-based internet applications, electronic businesses or social network services.

Business Application Development

Softcomm Technology develops the business applications to get things done efficiently with your business.If you are a business owner, you would want to get things done efficiently with as little time possible. In order to reach this, you cannot fulfill it by yourself. You would need the help of software and applications used in business if you want to multi-task. SoftComm Technology can give you information to assist you in understanding business application thoroughly

E-Commerce Solutions Development

Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, is the buying and selling of product or service over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. Electronic commerce draws on such technologies as electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems and automated data collection systems.

Data Entry Services

We specialize in data entry services. When your company hires SoftComm Technology, we will develop a service plan for your specific data entry projects and forms processing requirements. Our approach to data entry and the technologies we employ enable us to deliver the highest levels of data quality, accuracy, and quick turnaround, but also address your need for document and data security and confidentiality.

Domain & Hosting Services

A domain name is a way to identify and locate computers and resources connected to the Internet. No two organizations can have the same domain name. Every company or organization that wants to be on the internet needs to register a domain name for use as their on-line identity or name that clients will use to access on-line services such as the organization’s website or email system. If you are going to make a website with us, you don’t need to buy web hosting separately. Our website packages bundle come with domain and hosting along with all packages.

Moodle LMS (Learning Management System)

Moodle is an online learning platform that allows you to create online courses, add assignments, and track your students' progress. It also allows you to interact with students and encourage communication between them in forums and discussions.


Meet Our Team

We have a happy team. We're all fullstack developers with unique skills &

Daw Khin Thu Aung
Senior Manager
Ye Myint Soe
Team Lead & System Analyst
Conor Murphy
Lin Khant Ko
Myat Pwint Phyu Aung
God of Sparrow
Bow Down to ME


Our Clients

We have built and puplished the web applications for the
following Happy & Satisfied Clients


Get in Touch

Here is the contact info! you can get in touch or drop some
queries to us

Contact Info

Our office - Softcomm Technology exists near Myae Ni Gone. Use the following info to reach out us.

331 Pyay Road, Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)

09 880 901 406