<!─ About Me ─>

Kyaw Zin Thein

Success will come and go, but integrity is forever.

In this self-description, I would like to describe about my current career and myself. Honestly, I don't have any work experience from big project but if I do have a job as employed developer, I will take the opportunity. Secondly, I'm loved to do smart working in any field specially in Frontend and Backend Developing. In addition, my current career target is to be the project manager but I desired to have more experience in web development area and I always learning and self-improvement about programming languages. If I've free times, I will spend a lot times in that area. And also, you can check my recent repositories on GitHub.

Let's build something together

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<!─ My Resume ─>

Education Background

2023 (Feb-April)
Fairway Technology
Professional Web Development
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, PHP, Laravel, API

There's a lot of advice on the internet. A lot of posts. A lot of books. A lot of podcasts. A lot of information to consume. But I hope you know that at the end of the day the most important knowledge is within you. What feels true to you? What feels right to you? What lights you up? That's the gold. See More...

2022 (Jan-Dec)
KMD Institute (Lvl-6)
Ecommerce Project
Java (Mobile), JQuery

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Rem nobis doloremque earum ab eaque adipisci autem nisi aperiam eius, libero, perferendis reprehenderit voluptate, dolorem nihil. Ratione iure soluta nulla esse? See More...

Gusto University (Foundation, Lvl-4 & 5)
Softskill, HTML, CSS, Bootsrtap, DBMS, JAVA

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Rem nobis doloremque earum ab eaque adipisci autem nisi aperiam eius, libero, perferendis reprehenderit voluptate, dolorem nihil. Ratione iure soluta nulla esse? See More...

NELC Xplore
English (Intermediate)
Wrting, Speaking, Reading, Listening

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Rem nobis doloremque earum ab eaque adipisci autem nisi aperiam eius, libero, perferendis reprehenderit voluptate, dolorem nihil. Ratione iure soluta nulla esse? See More...

Matriculation Exam
Myanmar, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Rem nobis doloremque earum ab eaque adipisci autem nisi aperiam eius, libero, perferendis reprehenderit voluptate, dolorem nihil. Ratione iure soluta nulla esse? See More...


2023 (April-May)
KMD Internship
HTML, CSS, Bootsrtap, Laravel, API

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Rem nobis doloremque earum ab eaque adipisci autem nisi aperiam eius, libero, perferendis reprehenderit voluptate, dolorem nihil. Ratione iure soluta nulla esse? See More...

2023 (Sep-Oct)
Softcomm Trainee
React, Vue, C#, Laravel

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Rem nobis doloremque earum ab eaque adipisci autem nisi aperiam eius, libero, perferendis reprehenderit voluptate, dolorem nihil. Ratione iure soluta nulla esse? See More...

<!─ Skills That I Have ─>

Professional Skills

Error Handling
Problem Solving
Time Management


Agile Methodology

Languages, Frameworks, & RDBMS



VS Code

<!─ Works That I Can Do For You ─>

Website & Web AppDevelopment ( )

{ Web development can include web design, web content development, client liaison, client-side/server-side scripting, web server and network security configuration and e-commerce development. Web development can range from developing the simplest static single page of plain text to the most complex web-based internet applications, electronic businesses or social network services. }

<!─ Contact Me ─>

Get in touch

Let's work together!

Contact Detail

No. 35, Room 10, Yae Tar Shae Old St. Bahan Township



You can check my recent activities on GitHub.